This is the first time I am spending Father’s Day in Morro bay as I usually be in Vegas by now during the month of June to kick start my summer holidays. Morro Bay is a nice town but not as glamorous compare to Las Vegas and places around here close down quite early unlike the sin city ( 24/7) and the weather in Morro Bay is always on the cold side with temperature not higher than 75 and it’s always breezy which I am not in favor of. I am definitely not dressed for this type of weather ; as a matter of fact, I was looking to buy a scarf when I was hanging out in Pismo Beach downtown earlier but couldn’t find any. Downtown Pismo beach is always crowded and it is impossible to find parking and there are no real descent food there suitable to my taste and the lines are long everywhere you go. ( It took 45 min for me to get a cup of coffee).so I am not impressed with Pismo Beach, and I much prefer to hang at the piers in Oceanside anyday. There is only one dive bar in Morro Bay ( the Legends) and mostly all local people hang out there. You would think Morro Bay is a chill town but ever since I got here on Thursday, fights broke out at the bar every night and the one on Friday was most intense like watching UFC on TV, free entertainment in real time. Last night was not as intense but it took a few guys to stop it. Well, today is father’s Day and you would think everything should be cool, I guess I am going to find out later when I get there. Its only 3 min walk from my hotel so no need to take the car as it takes more than 3 min to be able to get out of the hotel parking lot, not to mention there are cops everywhere because they know that is a pretty rough spot.

All in all Morro Bay is a nice community but I much prefer to hang in Las Vegas as it is just more glamorous and full of exciting events which is obvious why people call it the sin city. If my father is still around, he would be more attracted to Las Vegas especially when it comes to all the shows over there with famous people performing every night and the strip is completely lit up and the city is lively which you don’t get in Morro Bay. Well, I am sure he would enjoy Vegas a lot more but of course there’s no way for me to prove it now as he’s been gone for 47 years, but I feel that he would be delighted to have his youngest son to tour him around the sin city and spend quality time together chatting about the world of today, the politics, history and even philosophy as he knew so much about it, I only regretted that we never had that type of conversations together as I was too young when he passed away. I do envy people with close family and spend quality time with their parents which is something I never had and never will. I was just caught up in the midst of a very complicated family and to be quite honest, my father was a complicated man and he led a complicated life which could explain how we ended with such a divided family with hatred among us. I am not blaming my father for it but it is just one of those misfortunes about leading a complicated life and the necessary consequences that follow which affected the next generation and the war seems to be never ending while I am moving on with my life to make the best of it with whatever time I have left.

Here I wish everyone a Happy Father’s Day and remember to spend quality time with your father as nothing lasts forever. I regretted about not opening up with my father but I was too young at the time when I couldn’t figure out how to do it and only wish he is still around so I can experience what it would be like to carrying out meaningful dialogues when he could take the time to listen to what I have to say without having anymore doubts about me as I was always the dumb kid in the family but I don’t think I have earned the ” black sheep of the family” title and I sure hope I haven’t. To all the incredible dads out there, be proud of what you have done and always remember it is ” unconditional love” that makes you incredible, and never expect anything in return from your kids. My father was such a person regardless of his complexities in life and today and everyday is the time I come to appreciate what he had done for me.

Happy Father’s Day to all from Morro Bay.